FBISE Introduces Changes in Practical Examination Policy for Matric and Intermediate Students

The FBISE has declared that practical notebooks and viva voce will no longer receive marks; instead, they will be replaced with structured questions answered on provided answer sheets. This decision is a significant policy shift aimed at enhancing accuracy in practical examinations for matric and intermediate students.
In response to the revelation that students were purchasing ready-made practical notebooks from the market rather than completing them independently, the board has taken this step to address the issue.
The FBISE has issued a notification outlining the transitional policy for SSC-II and HSSC-II practical examinations in 2024 for Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science subjects. The key points of the 2024 policy are as follows:
i. The existing practical pattern will continue for the transitional period of the 2024 examinations with specific amendments, replacing notebooks and viva voce with structured questions.
ii. Practical examinations will be based on a provided list of practicals.
iii. There will be no marks for practical notebooks and viva voce.
The marks previously allocated for both practical notebooks and viva voce will now be assigned to structured questions answered on provided answer sheets.